Meant to be read with rhythm and bounce. Meant to be re-assurance to the golfer struggling with confidence. Meant for fun and to be an odd-ball. Please enjoy!
A majestic percussion is all that you hear
As the golf ball zizzers away
It’s moving so fast, for a moment you fear
“It’s missed! OB! I’ve done it this time, the ball is completely astray.”
But keep your composure you soft-bellied one
The golf ball is flying quite true
What do you expect after all, my good friend,
When your club face to path is -.2?
Before you pull the trigger, just remember those times
You had no margin of error
One deep big breath is all you allowed
So as not to succumb to the terror.
And sometimes you missed, but usually not
Your nerve did prove to be quite stout
So even on this day (with limited practice)
Get up! Have fun! And believe you can rout!
Enjoy the game, the greatest of pleasure
With the sun, the grass, the trees
It’s a joy to be out here, away from it all
No matter what you make on the par threes.
Derive your confidence—not from your skill
—And not from lengthy practice endeavors
But from the great freedom you have in your will
To send the golf ball off to forever and forever.